
Monday, April 11, 2011

Future player?

Yesterday while helping one of my kids clean his room, I came across a top-secret journal, but because I have no scruples or respect for my kids' privacy, I'm sharing something I found in it with you. It's too funny not to share.

On one side of a page was a heart with [my kid] + [cute girl in his class]--see? Maybe I'm not completely heartless if I don't divulge names--written on it. On the other was a detailed, 4-step plan of action:

Plan A: Get close to [cute girl] and kiss her. FAIL

Plan B: Tell her to close her eyes and kiss her. FAIL

Plan C: Tell her to come really close to you, then kiss her. FAIL

Plan D: Pretend to tell her a secret, then kiss her. IN PROGRESS


  1. I am totally going to steal his plan of action. I will let you know how it goes.

  2. Dave, I wish you better luck than he's had!
