
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Items found behind the washer today

1 boy's undershirt
1 pair boxer briefs
1 sock
1 pair boy's briefs
1 pair boy's shorts
Retrieval methods attempted:
Mop handle
Mop head
Hand (while lying on stomach)
Hand (while lying on side)
And finally, leg dangled into abyss behind washer with toes used as pincers. Success!
Amount of time elapsed during this exercise:
20 minutes (which I will never get back)
Items still remaining behind washer which will undoubtedly remain there until the day we move:
2 owner's manuals
1 dryer sheet
1 fabric softener bottle lid
3 dust bunnies, which I'm sure will rapidly reproduce, as bunnies will tend to do


  1. Try a vacuum cleaner...or a neighbor. Sometimes 2 heads are better than one. only took 20 minutes? What else would you have done? It's not like you have anything else to do!

  2. There are too many lost things behind ours to count. Bart finally got out the vacuum with the long hose and cleaned out our vent back there. He thought all of the dust balls were a big fire hazard. And our house is only a few years old! gross
