The stuff 3-year-olds do is so awesome. They learn how to talk really well and can carry on interesting conversations about a wide variety of topics--both real and imaginary. They build and create cool things out of stuff they should and shouldn't (i.e., Legos or all the blankets and pillows in the house). And they learn how to draw people. Christian drew this family portrait at Joy School yesterday: 
I love everything about this drawing. The legs coming directly from the heads in true 3-year-old fashion. The Amazon proportions of Mom and Dad, indicating our true supremacy as family rulers. The name he gave the new baby--need we even continue our search? The way he tried to write his name, and Quentin's (see the "Q" up to the right of Quentin's head?). The curly hair for the girls and the bald heads for the boys. The fact that Dad is driving a car.
Love, love, love this!
And here's the little artist, after yesterday's dramatic experience getting his stitches cut out of his infected wound. Grrrr. His still-slightly-gaping wound is pathetically being held together with steri-strips, and the steri-strips are held on with "brown glue," a foul-smelling adhesive apparently made of wood rosin or something equally offensive....
And yet, check out that cheesy grin! Yummy!